Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Breed Specific Legislation
City if Elgin Council Meeting
October 14, 2009
Wednesday @ 7:00 PM
150 Dexter Court
Elgin (847) 931 - 6100

Please come and show your undying love for the American Pit Bull Terrier/ American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier aka Pit Bulls.
Instead of targeting a specific breed, Elgin can start with the real issue of irresponsible pet owners. Educating the public about recognizing and reporting animal abuse and animal fighting. Support spay and neuter programs and stop backyard breeding. These animals shall not be deemed "dangerous". It is the hands of the animal abusers that are the real threat.
It is estimated that over 4000 dogs have been euthanized under Denver's BSL with Family pets mistakenly identified. Don't let it happen to yours.